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Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS - 4 Years)
Doctor of Philosophy (Eastern Medicine) (Ph.D - 3 Years (Eastern Medicine))
Master of Engineering (EE) - (Control and Automation) (MEEE (CA)-)
Master of Engineering (EE) - (Control and Automation) (MEEE (CA)-)
Master of Engineering (EE) - (Communication Systems & Networks) (MEEE (CSN)-)
Master of Engineering (EE) - (Power System) (MEEE (PS)-)
Master of Engineering (EE) - (Power System) (MEEE (PS)-)
Doctor of Philosophy In Electrical Engineering (Ph.D - EE)
Master of Science (Computer & Communication Networks) (MSCS (CCN)-)
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science (Ph.D - CS)
Doctor of Philosophy In Energy And Environment (Ph.D - Enrg. Env)
Master of Science in Energy & Environment (MS (Enrg. Env.)-)
Bachelor of Engineering In Bio-Medical Engineering (BE(BME) - 4 Years)
Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutics (Ph.D-T) (PHDT (Pharmaceutics)-)
Master of Philosophy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) (M. Phil (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)-)
Master of Philosophy in Pharmaceutics (MPT) (M. Phil (Pharmaceutics)-)
Bachelor of Business Administration - Morning (BBA (4-Years))
Bachelor of Business Administration - Morning (BBA (4-Years))
Bachelor of Business Administration - Morning (BBA (4-Years))
Bachelor of Business Administration - Morning (BBA (4-Years))
Master of Philosophy (Eastern Medicine) (M.Phil - 2 Years (Eastern Medicine))
BS Education (BS (Education)-)
B.Ed. (1.5 Years) – Weekend (B. Ed. - (1.5 Years) - Weekend)
B.Ed. (1.5 Years) – Weekend (B. Ed. - (1.5 Years) - Weekend)
Master of Science (Software Engineering) (MSCS (SE)-)
Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) (PHDC (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)-)
Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm-D 5 Years)
Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacology) (PHDL (Pharmacology)-)
Master of Philosophy (Pharmacognosy) (M. Phil (Pharmacognosy) - MPG)
Master of Philosophy in Pharmacology (MPL) (M. Phil (Pharmacology)-)
Master of Science (Business Administration) (MS-(MS) 2 Years (Evening))
Master of Science (Business Administration) (MS-(MS) 2 Years (Evening))
B.Ed. (Hons.) (4 Years) – Morning (B. Ed. Hons. (4 Years) - Morning)
B.Ed. (2.5 Years) – Weekend (B.Ed (2.5) - Weekend)
B.Ed. (Hons.) (4 Years) – Weekend (B.Ed. (Hons.) (4 Years) - Weekend)
BS English (4 Years) (BS English (4 Years)-)
BS English (4 Years) (BS English (4 Years)-)
BS Human Nutrition & Dietetics (BS (Human Nutrition & Dietetics)-)
Bachelors of Computer Arts (4 Years) (BCA (4 Years)-)
Bachelor of Science (Food Science and Technology) (BS (FST)-)
B. Sc. Industrial Engineering Technology (B. Sc. (Ind. Eng. Tech)-)
Masters of Business Administration (Bus. Edu) (MBA-)
Masters of Business Administration (Bus. Edu) (MBA-)
Masters of Business Administration (Bus. Edu) (MBA-)
Masters of Business Administration (Non Business Education) ((MBA)-)
Masters of Business Administration (Non Business Education) ((MBA)-)
Masters of Business Administration (Non Business Education) ((MBA)-)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Morning) ((BBA)-)
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT-)
Bachelors in Media Studies (4 Years) (BMS (4 Years)-)
Associate Degree in Web Designing and Development (AD-WDD)
Associate Degree in Computer and Information Systems (AD-CIS)
Associate Degree in Computer and Information Systems (AD-CIS)
Associate Degree in Software Development (AD-SD)
Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) (BS (Bio-Tech))
Associate Degree in Accounting & Finance (ADP ( Accounting & Finance)-)
Associate Degree in Accounting & Finance (ADP ( Accounting & Finance)-)
Associate Degree in Accounting & Finance (ADP ( Accounting & Finance)-)
Associate Degree in Accounting & Finance (ADP ( Accounting & Finance)-)
Associate Degree in Hospitality & Tourism Management (ADP (Hospitality & Tourism Management)-)
BS Psychology (4 Years) (BS (Psychology) - 4 Years)
BS Psychology (4 Years) (BS (Psychology) - 4 Years)
BS Education (ECE) (BS Edu-ECE)
Master of Science in Food Science and Technology (MS (FST))
Associate Degree (Robotics and Intelligent Systems) (AD (RIS))
Associate Degree (Robotics and Intelligent Systems) (AD (RIS))
B.E.Tech. (Civil) (B.E.Tech. (Civil))
Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS-)
Associate Degree in (Digital Media Marketing) (ADP (Digital Media Marketing)-)
Associate Degree in (Digital Media Marketing) (ADP (Digital Media Marketing)-)
Associate Degree in (Digital Media Marketing) (ADP (Digital Media Marketing)-)
Associate Degree in (Digital Media Marketing) (ADP (Digital Media Marketing)-)
BS (Accounting & Finance) (BS (Accounting & Finance)-)
BS (Accounting & Finance) (BS (Accounting & Finance)-)
BS (Accounting & Finance) (BS (Accounting & Finance)-)
BS (Accounting & Finance) (BS (Accounting & Finance)-)
Diploma in Education (Dip. Ed.-)
Associate Degree Program Electrical Systems (Specialization in Electric Vehicle) (ADP (Elect.Vehicle)-)
BS Electrical Systems (Specialization in Electric Vehicle) (BS (Elect.Vehicle)-)
Associate Degree (Digital Forensics and Cyber Security) (ADP (DFCS)-)
Associate Degree (Digital Forensics and Cyber Security) (ADP (DFCS)-)
Associate Degree Program in English (ADP (English))
Associate Degree Program in English (ADP (English))
B.E.Tech. (Electrical) (B.E.Tech. (Electrical))
BS Medical Technology (Laboratory Technology) (BSMT (Laboratory Technology)-)
BS (Accounting & Finance) - 2 Years (BS (Accounting & Finance) - 2 Years)
BS (Accounting & Finance) - 2 Years (BS (Accounting & Finance) - 2 Years)
BS (Accounting & Finance) - 2 Years (BS (Accounting & Finance) - 2 Years)
Doctor of Philosophy in Food Science and Technology (Ph.D. (FST))
Associate Degree Program in Islamic Studies (ADP (Isl-Std.))
BS Islamic Studies (4 Years) – Morning (BS Islamic Studies (4 Years)-)
Bachelor of Science (Microbiology) (BS (Microbiology))
PGD (Quality Assurance in Higher Education) (PGD-QAHE)
Bachelor of Science (Cloud Applications Development & Operations) (BS (CADO))
Associate Degree (Cloud Applications Development & Operations) (AD (CADO))
Associate Degree (Cloud Applications Development & Operations) (AD (CADO))
BS (Robotics and Intelligent Systems) (BS (RIS))
B.E.Tech. (Automotive) (B.E.Tech. (Automotive))
BS Health Physical Education and Sports Sciences (BS (HPESS)-)
Bachelor of Eastern Medicine System (BEMS (5-Year))
Bachelor of Science (Digital Marketing) (BS (Digital Mkt))
Bachelor of Science (Digital Marketing) (BS (Digital Mkt))
Bachelor of Science (Digital Marketing) (BS (Digital Mkt))
Bachelor of Science (Digital Marketing) (BS (Digital Mkt))
BS (Digital Forensics and Cyber Security) (BS (DFCS)-)
BS (Digital Forensics and Cyber Security) (BS (DFCS)-)
Associate Degree Program in Psychology (ADP (Psychology))
Associate Degree Program in Psychology (ADP (Psychology))
B.E.Tech. (Mechanical) (B.E.Tech. (Mechanical))
Bachelor of Business Administration (Evening) (BBA-)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Evening) (BBA-)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Evening) (BBA-)
Associate Degree in Education (ADE) (ADE-)
Associate Degree in Education (ADE) (ADE-)
Post RN Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Post RN BSN (2 Years)-)
BS Educational Psychology (BS (Educational Psychology)-)
BS (Digital Systems and Web Technology) (BS (Digi-Sys&Web-Tech))
BS (Digital Systems and Web Technology) (BS (Digi-Sys&Web-Tech))
BS (Digital Systems and Web Technology) (BS (Digi-Sys&Web-Tech))
Associate Degree Program in Educational Psychology (ADP (Edu-Psy))
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"Shaheed Hakeem Mohammed Said"